These days is no surprise the amount of junk mail you can expect in your mailbox. One thing consumers don't realize is that many companies will sell your information to advertisers. Once one company has sold your information to a broker, the broker will sell your information to any company they work with. This could also mean that your information has been leaked in a data breach. Many consumers don't know their rights concerning junk mail or how to make it stop.
Remove Your Name From National Mailing Lists
Below is contact information to remove your name from the national mailing list:
Direct Marketing Association
Mail Preference Service Box 643
Carmel, NY 10512
Although this will not stop all physical junk mail, it will stop members of DMA from filling your mailbox.
Contact the Companies That Send You Junk Mail
Directly contact the companies that send you junk mail and ask to be removed from their mailing list. Many companies purchase or rent this information so you may need to ask them how they acquired your data and from who.
The code on the mail should indicate the company that provided the information. Provide this information when you call. These companies often purchase from a list broker, someone who specializes in selling mailing lists, but they could also be single companies that have sold their membership or marketing list.
Opt-Out of Credit Bureau Mailing Lists
Credit bureaus allow credit card companies to pre-screen your report to determine if they want to send you a credit card offer. The national credit bureaus have set up a toll-free number so that you may opt out of the pre-approved credit card offers with just one phone call. Call 1-888-5OPT-OUT (1-888-567-8688) for more information.
Surveys and Registration Cards
Many companies will try to convince you to register your product for the warranty to be valid. This is not true in most cases so be sure to read through your warranty details. If it doesn't mention that you need to register, simply keep a copy of the receipt as proof of purchase.
Toll-Free Numbers
Whenever you call an 800 or 888 number, the company will record your phone number from the caller id. Reverse directories can be used to find your address from your phone number. Unfortunately, you cannot block your number from showing up on the caller id using *67 when you call an 800 or 888 number. For all other calls, you can use *67.
Make Sure Your Information is Unlisted
Companies that specialize in selling mailing lists use phone books and "crisscross directories" to match names, addresses, and phone numbers. You can contact your local phone book company to remove your information from both of these sources. Below is the contact information for two of the largest directory companies.
Haines & Company, Inc.
Criss-Cross Directory
Attn: Directory of Data Processing
8050 Freedom Ave., NW
North Canton, OH 44720
(800) 562-8262
R. L Polk Co.
Attn. List Suppression File
26995 Northwestern Highway
South Field, MI 48034-8455
(800) 464-7655 *
*Ask for the Opt-Out Program