Credit cards can be a great financial tool but can also expose the user to the dangers of fraud. Just a swipe of the card at the wrong place and you’ve fallen victim to credit card skimming and your card’s data is stolen. Financial tech company Credello states that credit card skimming is one of the most pressing credit card scams for 2023.
Some places are more susceptible to credit card skimming. Self check-out lanes, gas stations, and non-bank ATMs like the ones seen in grocery stores are all easy targets for these criminals. Mobile vendors at fairs or food trucks can be hectic, causing confusion while your card may be swiped through a skimmer when paying. Even at restaurants, your card could be skimmed as it leaves your sight at the end of a meal.
To protect yourself, try to keep an eye on your credit card when paying at restaurants. If possible, do not let the person holding your card leave your presence if possible. If there are multiple card readers that should look the same, look around and compare. If one looks different, it could be a skimmer.